Some notes about bed leveling, attachment points, and why a flat bed matters. Many of you will know all this, but I thought it important for those haven’t really thought about it, or just flat out don’t know.
In basic geometry, three points define a plane. You can find any number of other points on a plane, but exactly three (x,y,z) points define a plane. You can move any of them in any direction and the defined plane will change but still be a plane. This isn’t the case with more than three points. If you move one, you likely no longer have a flat plane. So, for those wondering, three support points is absolutely the simplest method for supporting a build plate and ensures that leveling the plate cannot deform the plate. Of course this means it can’t correct for deformation either.
So why should I bother to level my bed? The printer has automatic bed leveling, correct? Yes, yes it does and but the evidence in this thread, it does an incredible job a correcting for deformed and unlevel beds. But its important to have a level bed anyway. To be more precise, it is important to have the bed exactly parallel to the plane the XY gantry moves in. If the bed and gantry movement planes are not exactly parallel, all angles involving the Z axis will be off. It’s a bit more complex to draw than I care to undertake this morning, but as an example, if your print bed is 1mm lower in the front than back, but otherwise flat, and you print a cube all the angle should be 90 degrees, however they will actually be 89.776 degrees in the YZ plane. For figures, single plate organic shapes, etc, this really won’t matter. However if you are printing anything that moves, fits together, or needs accurate measurements, this will cause significant problems.
A bed that is level, but not flat will have a similar problem except the amount of deviation from 90 degrees will vary across the bed and be quite complex, based on the shape of the bed surface. As noted above, without ABL fading, the top surface of the print will have the same curvature imposed on it. That is to say that a print, with a top surface parallel to the gantry plane, will have a curvature that exactly follows the curvature of the bed. Again, only an issues for functional prints, though as others have noted, a very significant curvature can cause adhesion issues at the outer edge of the bed where the the compensation mesh is the least accurate.
A side effect of a non flat bed is that you may not be able to properly level it either, at least not without significant effort. Take my bed, for example. It has a height variation of 0.75mm, left to right and 0.43mm front to back. The actual shape of my bed will be a very complex curve that would be almost impossible to measure manually. For sake of illustration, lets assume the outer edges are flat in the Y direction and the front any rear edges are bowed down. The lowest point is in the center of the bed and is 0.75mm lower as reference to the outer left/right edge. Because the Y axis varies by 0.43mm, that means the center back of the bed is 0.32mm lower that the front right and left corners. Those three points happen to be the mounting points for the bed. If I tram the bed, using those points as reference, the back of the bed is actually 0.32mm higher than it should be. This means that the left and right edges, which we said are straight, are no longer parallel to the gantry plane of motion. So now we not only have a warped bed, but we have bed that isn’t and can’t easily be leveled.
Again, none of this matters if you are printing things were dimensional accuracy isn’t a big deal. It’s not going to matter one bit for that cool crystal dragon print. However, that helmet you want to print, that you have to break up into half a dozen pieces because it’s just a hair to big to fit on the print bed, it will matter there.