Waste filament sometimes misses the chute

Hi, any help would be much apricated.
My waste filament sometimes misses the chute, whilst that is not too bad, however, some has gone behind the rear plate lead screw and I can’t get to it. Has anyone got any ideas why this happens and how to get it out! ?

This happens to me. I’ve found that regularly cleaning the nozzle and silicone sock helps prevent it from happening. There’s just enough build up on both that it can sometimes cause the purge to stick and get pulled into the main chamber.

I heat the nozzle up to 200. I carefully pull the silicone sock off and pull off any plastic, then I wipe the tip of the nozzle with a paper towel (I don’t have a fancy brush or anything). I then set the nozzle back to 0 and reinstall the sock. If you give this a try, just make sure you’re being careful! The nozzle should be up to temp to help easily clear the plastic off, but don’t mess around, it IS hot enough to melt plastic, which is also hot enough to burn your fingers.

Hopefully this helps with your situation too!


Thank you, ill give that a go :slight_smile: Where did you get the silicone sock from?

Just the one that comes with the machine. You can purchase extras! I recommend inspecting the silicone sock too for cracks or damage, and replacing it if there is any. I’m about 1000 hours on my main X1C, and I think I’m at about that point.


Thanks again:-) really helpful

You can clean behind the rear Z screw by taking the back cover off. But unless it’s some how sticking to the screw, it shouldn’t really hurt anything being back there.

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It happens occasionally. I asked before but I forget what’s the cause.
It doesn’t cause any big trouble for me though so I let it be and handle it when it happens. I use a pair of tweezers to pick up the waste.

Pay attention to these two spots. If the waste ends up on either, it can cause homing failure. In fact, getting the homing failure message has been when I found out about it and got the waste out.

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A small handheld/portable vacuum cleaner with a pointy nozzle also gets bits of filament out easily.

To make access easier, manually raise the build plate slowly and carefully and stop well short of the nozzle/hotend.

After cleaning, press the Home button rather than manually moving the build plate and/or nozzle, before printing or any other motion.

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Hi everyone
Thanks so much for your help :slight_smile:
Magic to know this support is around

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