Hi. Does anyone know how to solve this?
No matter what files i print on my two P1S’, they both makes the walls kinda wavy, bumpy or uneven. (see pictures)
As said it is on both printeres, and both are automatic calibrated, but the still make these waves.
It appears on models from makerworld, and my own models, from fusion.
As i understand there isn’t any belt to tighting…
you can and should calibrate the belt tensioning, that ringing is probably caused by it, you can find some step by step tutorials on youtube searching for this
Once the rods are cleaned, and the belts re-tensioned, please perform a full calibration and try again.
Additionally, it is recommended to also check the print speed the model reaches. In certain cases, the resonance of the printer can lead to some vertical artefacts which can be overcome by either increasing the speed or lowering the speed of the print.
There is no specific tightness to be measured. The belt tensioners have plastic inserts which can be pulled out if the screws are overtightened. This can cause movement in the tensioners.
Simply tighten both screws normally to secure the belt tensioner in place, and it should be OK. When you first release the screws, you should be able to feel how tight they are now, and use that as a reference.
Are you able to reproduce this on other filaments?
It would help us help you if you could print a model that we can all compare to for testing purposes. For this kind of issue, I might suggest using the Voron Cube found in Orca Slicer.
As you can see by the examples below, the filament on the left is Bambu PETG-HF which prints quite well whereas the filament on the right which is PLA was printed with two different filament profiles showing that filament settings can also induce a ringing-like pattern.
To help rule out or rule in mechanical issues, create a smaller test model and run both prints at two different speeds. Run one at regular speed and the other in silent mode. If the ringing increases the faster you go, this could be an indicator of hardware but if it is unaffected then I’d focus more on filament settings.
I wonder if those waves correspond to where infill joins the walls? It may be filament shrinkage getting to you.
It looks like there is a discontinuity down low the way those are oriented. Is there an interior wall where that discontinuity is?
If while printing you can see the waves at the infill joins, you could try a different infill pattern or maybe add a wall layer or so to reduce the effect? Other than that, if it’s infill and shrinkage making those waves maybe it’s still a calibration thing but out of my experience.