Hello @MakerWorld I’ve run into an issue with the latest changes, and uploading an image for the cover photo.
The App image loads fine and seems to make sense as far as cropping. It gives an option for a 4:3 or 3:4 crop, and shows the whole image.
The web cover though is bugged, it seems. I loaded up an image cropped for 4:3, but it only displays it as a aquare, and the crop tool isn’t constrained to 4:3.
This is the image I’m trying to load in. Clearly not a square, and so when it’s bringing it in, it’s cropping it way in tighten than the original image, on-top of the funky non-constrained crop it wants me to do after that.
(Further info)
I thought it was pre-cropping the image or something, but it seems it’s not pulling the image in to display right or something. I can select the image and pan it, but I’m still unable to utilize the full image. I had to size the whole image down to be able to use it. The app photo didn’t have this issue at all, as it sized the image fine for cropping and all that.