Webcam cable

Hi, anyone know the name or type of cable usen with the webcam? I want to move the webcam in the top front.

I made an enclosure with 2020 profiles and acrylic and i want to make better time lapses moving the webcam.

I want to change it or extetend with M-F cable (MF cable is the easy and best option).

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Mini Micro JST 2.0 PH 5 Pin Connector Plug

Could always cut the cable and extend it that way.

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Thanks i go to buy one female to male (i prefer to avoid to cut the original cables if its possible jejeje).

edit: i Bought two cables one male another female with 30 cm cable perfect for extend. Idk the distance limit but i try without break nothing (to large maybe have to many power loss).

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This connector isn’t a micro jst 2.0, is smaller (arrived and it’s to big) i go to try to see what name have in reallity.

Have you found the type of connector you need? I’m also looking for the name of the connector. There are 5 pins, the pitch is 0.6mm and the width of the male part is 5.8mm.

Can someone please tell me what each of the wires in the webcam cable is for?

Didn’t even realise the webcam could be moved?!

2 are for ground, one 5V and other 2 pin probably for information strasfer. led is not controlled by a voltage in the other 2 remaining cable.

Did you figure out which cable worked?