Hello everyone, I bought an A1 a few days ago and was trying out some models (AMS lite cover in this case). I am getting some weird tearing and ripping in the first layer all the time (with other smaller objects as well). A have a few examples in the pictures.
I use CCF white hyper PLA with the Generic PLA settings. Also, as you can see, there are some circular shapes forming when printing the first layer. Are those the hot plate heating locations? If not, does anyone know?
Thanks for all the help.
@Olias my trust level just gone up so here is the information
The circles your are seeing through the first layer are things that you’ve printed before.
Right now for the tearing, I think your plate is dirty. Go scrub it with some dish soap & hot water. When trying the plate, be careful not to touch it with your hands.
is that filament dry? it looks weird, and yeah it probably has some be adhesions as well, but even still the filament doesn’t look to be extruding very well
i’d dry it for about 6 hours and give it another go
The only time I ever saw such tearing was after I had oiled the runners - I forgot to wipe any excess and a drop must have fallen on the build plate - warm to hot water with washing up liquid to remove oils followed by a wipe with IPA to speed up drying.
Don’t dry the filament by any time suggestion but until it is really dry. If you are unlucky the filament might be really “wet” and not dry in 6 hours. I bought some PETG recently which took really long (>14h) to get dry enough to be printed properly.
Get a good hygrometer which can measure as low as 10%RH (better 5 %RH) and dry the filament until the hygrometer shows at least 10%RH or less. This way you can be sure that printing problems are not caused by the filament.
Update: I cleaned the plate and it seems to be working good now. I was having a difficult time with ABS filament and I used some glue, it seems there was some small debris (really hard to see) underneath the plate.