Welcome to Bambu Lab Forum - Read Me!

There is NO requirement to post anything or to spam an unrelated post to raise your trust level. Doing so does not change your trust level.

There IS a reading comprehension test. Let’s see how you score:


i think you misunderstand. i had a problem i needed to get resolved. but i could not find a way to post my problem, therefore i asked people who had kind of the same problem, about a solution, instead of makin a new post myself. i only found out about the “trust” thing after asking google “why cant i make a post on bambu community forum”

instead of belitte me, you should get bambu to make it more clear why a new member cannot post anything. maybe a little text where the button should be that tells why i cant make one, instead of it just not being there. i am clearly not the only one without this knowledge!

and secondly. i have been inhere plenty of times maybe for hours looking for solutions to my problems, i was just not logged in, and therefore my “trust” did not count or what to call it.

We’ve tried.


Looking for a sulotion as well :wink:

The solution is reading.

To be able to post you need to…

  • Enter at least 5 topics
  • Read at least 30 posts
  • Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts

Looking at your profile you are already a basic user so you can post new threads.

Cheers and welcome to the forum.


Just posting here to increase my trust level. That is a realy broken system rule.

Might as well post my problem.

My AMS is trying to pull back filiament, but it is already pulled back. I removed the tube at the print head and there is no filiament visible. I tried turning the printer on and of, but thats no help. Any sugestions what I can do?

First of all, the rule is to minimize bots and spam. It works!

You apparently didnt read the post above your recent post. It tells you what you have to do to increase your trust level.

Which you are already there. Basic user level.

Welcome to the forum.

Try searching for your problem. Its a common problem.


For what it´s worth i solved my problem.

As for the trust level. Why don´t you put that in the readme for new users. Instead of leaving the whole “How to start a Topic” out of it, put it in and explain the “Trust” levels and how to get them.
It was the most frustrating experience to search for a how to because the Information is burried in a Post of the welcome topic instaed of the readme where I would expect it.

Well it is posted 10 times in this topic… It’s pretty hard to miss. We have tried to get it added to the readme but the powers have yet to include it.


I just unboxed my P1P and attempted to print the benchy boat. No filament even came out. If I pushed the filament, it did start to come out but it doesn’t appear hot enough to stick. I tried 3 prints and nothing happened other than the print head just moving all over the place.

Thanks, I’m trying to post too.

Thanks, I was wondering this also


how do we post, i cant seem to see a way to make post, only reply. can any1 help me out. and show me where the post button it. lol

Please read the post above yours. It explains how to get basic user access.

Welcome to the forum.


How come there is no A1 owener’s page?

There is?

1 Like

that’s not what I meant. on top of this post you see the following :

there are gorups that ppl can join

Bambu Lab X1 Owner
Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Owner
Bambu Lab AMS Owner

there is none for A1, that’s what I am asking for

You’re right there isn’t an A1 Owners group. There isn’t one for the P series printers either.

Not to burst your bubble, but the “Owner groups” really don’t do anything. There isn’t any special perks for joining them. It’s a forum feature that I don’t think was ever utilised.