I have just installed my new whambam PEX plate, added the little QR-CODE sticker to the correct position on the left tab, prepared the PEX surface with alchohol and fine scotchbrite.
I also added the tuned start / end codes from here: Printables.
I then set the bed temperature to 50 degrees and ran the print, but the printer stopped saying that it did not recognise the build plate and do I want to continue or stop, so I continued.
Adhesion seemed to be OK, and the XY Cube printed well and was easily removed when the bed cooled.
So how can I add this custom plate to the bambu Studio so that it recognises it and does not prompt me each time a print is run ?
Well, whambam supply the qrcode with the PEX sheet, and you are told to stick it on in the correct location identified by an etched square, so I see no reason that they would provide this qrcode unless it was intended to be recognized by the system ??
I believe it is the qr code for the high temp plate so it is recognized as a bambu plate so that error doesn’t happen. Thats all. There is no Wham Bam plate in bambu studio.
There are already a number of third party plates available. BL can not (and should not) concentrate on testing all of them to find the correct temperature for all kinds of different filaments. It is a pretty easy thing for the maker of the plate itself, if they want to sell their stuff, they can test and supply information about that. Thereafter the X1 user can set the correct temperature for the plate based on the filamenrt used. This is no rocket science.
For easy workflow you can select the different settings for the plate to be applied and then save this as a new project. Once you click on the project, BL Studio should open and all settings for this plate should be availabld.
Hi, I was not suggesting that BL should test and include every buildplate, but simply to add the ability for the user to add their own buildplate and associated qrcode that identifies it, that would be fairly trivial programmatically I believe.
It would be unreasonable for BL to test and include buildplates from other manufacturers.
I have the same plate and have no problems. with it.the qr Code which comes with this plate identify this plate as high Temp plate. So in your slicer you have select high temp plate.
I wasn’t sure about WhamBam for my X1C, but it was me not the plate.
After I followed instructions from tech support I am printing great, no glue stick.
Going to order another plate so I can print while the other cools.
I had the wrong temperature for PLA plus, specified wrong plate so got the error and not used red scotch brite to prep the plate so sticktion (if that is a word) was low.
Working great now.
i must say G10 is my new favorite. the wham bam pex gets very fast worn out and look terrible after many prints and you cant get it clean again. But G10 is soo cool i just use some 180 grit or 240 grit with iso and clean it and its like new. ive printed so much stuff on it and it sticks so good on it tpu is sometimes a pain in the ass to get off the plate. but the smooth surface makes the prints also looks nice not like pex mirror but also smooth.
its a shame that i found only i sheet in 256 by256 i would like to buy 2 more plates for my other X1Cs