Great topic!!!
To the question
“What are reasonable expectations…”
I would say that your post has highlighted important things to you and that’s what you should use as your yard stick and please, don’t let any marketing BS or opinion sway you otherwise. If you value low moisture content on receipt out of the bag, then that should guide you. If you value strength, then that too becomes your yard stick. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
I’ll give an example. I recently posted a reply on recommendations on Elegoo PETG. Now this is a well respected brand that for me, turned out to be the worst performing filament I have ever used to date. Not by a little but by a lot.
So what’s reasonable?
It would depend on what criteria you’re measuring. So let’s say speed is your most important thing. Then max flowrate would be a factor that’s important to you. With Bambu filament advertising 23mm³ for standard PLA, you might use that as a “reasonable” baseline. For me, Elegoo PLA couldn’t get out of the basement with barely 11mm³. Note, I have had filaments that max out at 26mm³ but with the cost of a little stringiness that I don’t mind for my use-case which is usually parts production not artistic pieces. So is it reasonable for me to expect non-stringy performance at 26mm³ flow? Probably not.
Now let’s take PETG. For transparent PETG, I tried Sunlu and I wanted optical clarity, it bombed major-league in that what I got was a cloudy mess, yet it printed fast and produced a strong part. Was I being unreasonable in expecting transparent to be transparent? Again, that might have been the case except I found a no-name vendor who produced truly transparent PETG at 1/3 less cost than the name brand Sunlu. So in this case, I feel that the lower cost MFG set my expectation and I was therefore not being unreasonable in calling Sunlu garbage.
Industry Standards???
On your last question, what can be done to set standards? My fear is that so long as this remains a Chinese dominated industry, there won’t be any attempt to standardize. Let’s take the term PLA+ which in my mind is the biggest scam-sucker-born-every-minute term for the unenlightened consumer who chases “brand names”. Can anyone, and I mean anyone define what the plus actually means? I can say this, I have experimented with many of these so-called PLA+ brands and it’s all BS.
Use Amazon’s return policy. I return about 10% of my spools.
I keep a running log of all the filament makers I buy. It’s kind of a competitive sport to see where I can get the best deal. When they rip me off, I sent the sh*t back. If each of us returned the losers, it would make their costs go through the roof and Amazon would take notice.
They recently started posting at the bottom of many products the following:
The more of us who return the bad items, the more bad apples will get flagged. Or that is until they bribe Amazon to take down these tags.
Having said all that, this is the main reason why I may come across so jaundiced when it comes to this industry. There isn’t anyone holding these guys accountable. Even the brand names like Sunlu and Elegoo and Polymaker aren’t doing anything other than printing claims without backing them up with laboratory science to prove what they say. This is especially evident if you take a pair of calipers and actually measure the so called 1.75mm ±0.02 claims. I call BS, I’ve measure many of these filaments and found them to be oval in many cases and they go right back in the box and back to Amazon.
Here’s one example that I sent back to Amazon from Fremover, both black and red. I mean if you can’t even hold your own on a temp tower? Really??? I reached out to them directly with these photos and heard crickets.
Then let’s check out this gem that clogged my nozzle. Can anyone say that this 1.75mm is actually even close to 1.75mm ±0.03? They at least wrote back to me offering a refund but I already returned to Amazon.
Ok Rant over. LOL