What are these unnecessary support pads for?

I’m slicing the model with supports because the vertical thru-holes reduce in diameter half-way up. With the supports turned on, I get 4 extra single-layer pads on the outside of the model. Why are they there? They serve no purpose and I can’t find a way to make them go away.

So I guess nobody has seen this before? Just trying to figure out if it’s a bug or if there’s a setting I don’t know about.

Do you have a link to the model and can you show your slicer settings?

Well, I’m seeing it in OrcaSlicer so I looked at it again from BS to make sure we both used the same tool and the issue is not there. Must be a bug. Thanks for offering help.

Your settings would be helpfull. Maybe there are problems while loading the file? Which file-format did you use?

Will do, it’s an STL model. Would that be the json file along with the STL, or does the 3mf file contain everything? I’m new to BS. And can I upload here or do I need to host the files somewhere?

Edit: here are the STL and json files anyway. Let me know if anything else is needed.


And contrary to what I said yesterday, I also see the issue in BL, not just OS.

I just figured out unchecking “On build plate only” makes them go away.


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Nice, so you don’t need further help i think.

Correct, it makes no sense but it’s no big deal. Probably a minor bug.