What did you want in a new flagship from BAMBU?

I’ve watched and listened to all the videos and discussion about the new security protocols from Bambu and there was one person that made a comment that BL is probably making moves to be better prepared for print farms or light industrial use. He backed this up by giving some data about how many of these printers are used for hobbyists vs small businesses and light industrial. His comments about this were a bit disappointing in that it made me feel like BL is going to start leaving the hobbyist behind.

I’ve not been in the hobby very long (since Aug 2024.) I have had CAD experience, I’ve been in maintenance all my life and I have been a wood and steel fabricator all my life. I was able to pick up a P1S in Aug and literally just start printing my own designs… to this day I have yet to do a benchy. I started printing 22 Christmas gifts that I designed and was running out of time so I picked up an X1C at the Black Friday Sale. $1200 for the combo was not a bad price considering the overall performance. At the end of the day, I feel that both machines are a decent value considering their performance and the other options that were available.

My hope for a new flagship was a better 3D printer. 400 cube, a little faster while keeping tight tolerances, heated chamber for the exotic materials and I suppose a heated AMS. All of this for maybe $100-$150 more than the current price of the X1C. I don’t think that that is asking for too much. I think this would be a a price range to keep the hobbyists attracted to the new flagship.

I am not sure what to think about all of the new alleged additions and, I must say, my disappointment in the volume if the pictures are telling the truth. The dual head is obviously a great idea provided it works like we would all expect. I do think that a laser and a vinyl cutting head make good “natural” additions. I would be a bit concerned about what a laser is going to do to the inside of a printer. At the end of the day, it sounds like it is going to be expensive. I suppose I am just preparing myself for disappointment in the price. Hopefully, as others have commented in other threads, this is modular and you can buy the printer by itself or with add-ons.

Just curious about your thoughts. Did they miss the ball when it comes to build volume? What do you think about the idea of an all in 1 unit? Are there any 3d printing sacrifices being made to the printer to make way for the other devices?

Obviously none of us can give knowledgeable answers to any of this as the machine hasn’t been released yet… just wanted some thoughts.


What I wanted

No purging or multi toolhead for no purging, larger size, faster prints(could be cut in half with no purge), hotter nozzle, hotter bed, heated chamber, better fans and filtration. Even just 2 heads with a purge bucket at the ends of the x axis so 1 could purge while the other prints. Wouldnt get rid of the 50% waste, but would cut the color change time from 2 minutes to 2 seconds

Basically an enclosed prusa xl thats faster, hotter and cheaper


I’m making a major jump from my dusty MendelMax 2.0 to a modern printer. I just want all the things you get with the X1C, but with a larger print bed. Everything else is (hopefully) a bonus with the H2D.

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Larger print bed is my #1 item. I was hoping for a slightly larger bed than the reported 350x320x320 range I have seen.

everything else is just gravy.


Heated chamber, faster filament switching (at least between dual filament prints, eg support filament) less waste, larger bed (350x320x320 is good for me), hotter nozzle, hotter bed. Doesn’t even have to be faster. Anything else is extra that I’ll gladly take

I think that Bambu should make a larger (350x350), cheaper (maybe an A2) 3d printer that doesn’t need to print advanced filaments but that can do good, large prints easily.

Or maybe some kind of dual extruder mod for the other printers.

It would be great for a large/dual extruder printer to be well priced!

P1S XL could be made cheap enough to fit everybodies price expectation. $1,000-$1,500

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yeah p1s XL would be cool, a giant bed slinger not so much

I want more speculation. There is too little. What do we think will be the next printer after the H2D or whatever is coming later this week. Like 3-4 years down the line?


my guess, x and p series get a v2. then 1 year later the a1 series gets a v2. 1 year after that the h2d series gets a v2. One series release per year. 3 series. 3 year life span

PRICE. A printer that I can pay. Not a 3k machine

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I want to be able to mix filaments to create different colors :heart:

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Faster multicolored prints, and less poop is what I desire.

Built In 3D scanner! For fast clean scans and copies… Make Bambu the photocopier of the 3D printing world…!

All I wanted was the larger build volume and the dual hot end so I could use support material on every print. Bye bye ugly supported surfaces!

Everything else is just a plus for me.

Make it a 4-Axis printer …

Make it everyone’s dream, then deliver it free of any charges.

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Snap back to reality :sleeping: :zap: :melting_face:

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My main hope for the “flagship” was essentially a Prusa XL clone using A1 extruder and quick swap hotends. Same size as the XL or a bit bigger, multiple tool heads, maybe not five, but at least four, each with the ability to add an AMS for up to 16 colors so it can warm up and swap filaments, then switch the tool head and keep going. Either cut down on purge by using each head with a single filament or cut down on color swap time by setting up the AMSes and having it plan how to swap colors without swapping in the same head back to back. Just wanted a better Prusa XL for a price lower than 3500, like say 2500 or something.

Doesn’t look like we’re getting that so I’m disappointed. Still curious to see what the final product will be and the price point, but I’m probably sticking to my A1 and mini printers and my P1P for more than four colors. Doubt I’ll get anything other than the A1 or mini if I need more printers, although a friend has been suggesting I start collecting AnyCubic S1 combos.

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