Finally got a scale, actually it was the second scale I’d bought yesterday after returning the first scale that didn’t register .1 grams. Drying all my filament before they enter the storage tubs.
First up is my PETG HF
Before drying orange
After drying
Before drying green
After drying
Drying temps of the actual PETG HF were ~123°f which was pretty consistent between pointing my IR thermometer at the filament and the hygrometer that’s used commonly in storage and AMS units from Amazon.
I’ve had this old food hydrator for several years with no use. I cut the trays from the outer rings, holds two rolls at a time. Hygrometer registers 10% RH.
RH inside storage tubs seems to stay 16% with dried filament and two desiccant spool holders. Perhaps I need to use more desiccant in the tubs?
Current outside tub RH is 39%, will get upwards of 55% throughout the day.
I’ve printed quite a bit with the PETG HF and thought it was pretty good straight out of the package, but after drying I see a definite improvement.
The biggest improvement I saw was some PETG Basic I just received. Out of the box, I printed one half of a spool, noticed some stringing, pulling away on the inner circumference of the spool. Dried in hydrator ~12 hours at the ~123°, then printed second half. Huge difference in print quality. This was a roll of PETG basic white from Bambu.
I’ve just been doing two rolls at a time for approximately 12 hours, two during the day, two at night.