I’ve noticed every model has a counter for both downloads and prints.
I’m assuming a print is when at least one plate is successfully printed?
Does it count as multiple prints if a single user prints a multi-plate model or if they print a single plate model multiple times?
Does the print counter only increment if the printer reports back successfully completing the print or is it just when Bambu Handy / Studio report sending it to the printer?
Basically I’m trying to figure out if, say, “50 prints” means there are actually 50 3D prints out there or if there’s some other math going on. I know it doesn’t really matter much but it piqued my curiosity.
Download: you open it into Bambu Studio or otherwise perform an action to download the files.
NOT all prints or downloads are counted though. There are limits that users have, after which their activity is not counted.
A couple I can remember off the top of my head:
Max five downloads/prints per day will be counted
Not being logged in does (or did) mean those were not counted
There are no metrics that will tell you if 50 copies of your model have been made as too many other factors reduce this value to below reality.
These alterations are made to make the issuing of points “fairer”, who is getting the better side of that is anyone’s guess (you or Bambu Lab).
Many here have requested the true data even if that information has no bearing on the points, they simply want to know the true one-to-one relationship between user activity and their models.