Just a couple of weeks ago, I printed two small parts, one with each extruder, at the same time. Now, I am printing two different (but identical) parts and I am watch my life drip onto the floor as one extruder, then the other operates. There is no reason for this printer ping pong unless the software in Flash Print 5 is different than Flash Print 4, and I mean different in a bad way.
I purchased this printer specifically because it would print two models at the same time. It always has but it no longer does this and I am pissed off!
I just am not certain whether to be upset with myself because I am missing something (I assigned an extruder to each model) or with FlashForge for dinking up the software.
Can someone please explain why my printer NO LONGER prints two identical models simultaneously?
I don’t understand… A1 forum, A1 mini…
You can’t be talking about an A1 mini with two extruders??
Did you post in the right place, or did you mean to use the FlashForge 3D Printer Creator Pro2 forum?
Talk about a senior moment. The A1 Mini is and has been my go to printer for almost a year. Then, I cleaned the extruder and lost a necessary spring which I only recently ordered. In desperation, I pulled out my mothballed Creator Pro 2 printer and downloaded the latest OS. Then, I went to my go to forum - the wrong one. Thanks, I will try again with a more conducive audience.
good point… he is probably the beta tester for the new 2025 Q1 Bambulab printer… it looks like a A1 mini but with two print heads… and this user got it by accident when ordering an A1 mini… ;)!!