Im printing a lot of these pixel art 2D dimensional images, and i was wondering what is the best the most optimal size for the pixel?
I assume to know that i would need to know like the step accuracy of the stepper mottor of my A1? Even if i know that my i doubt my potato brain can make something out of it.
Currently im brute forcing my way into and just print smaller and smaller, but this method takes so long, anyone know the smallest best theoretical size of a pixel or square for the A1?
I managed to slice a .47 x .47 x .2 mm square. It’s basically a dot.
If you’re looking for a “square” I suppose a .8 x .8 x .2 mm square would be the next size up that at least attempts the shape.
So you can go to some rather extreme sizes when it comes how “small” you can print, but you lose a lot of definition. Switching to a .2 nozzle makes that .8 x .8 x .2 mm square look a lot more detailed and so you can get better definition.
Oh nice idea to use the slicer, using 0.2 nozzle is a no go for me it doubles the printing time and changes the color o the filament significantly.
im settling with 1.5mm - 1.75mm
The radius of the outside corner of the box can’t be smaller than the diameter of the nozzle. Since you need 2 corners to make each side of the box, the smallest enclosed perimeter you should be able to make is 2 * nozzle diameter. But at that size, it’s going to look more like a circle than a square.
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