What is this block

This block is on my build plate I can move it but cat delete it. It shows that it is going to print. How do I get shed of it.


That’s a purge tower which is automatically added when doing multi color/material printing.


Can you say newbie without the letters NEW :sweat_smile: :joy: :laughing: Thank You.

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Don’t sweat it, we’ve all been there at some point. Great part about this forum is that we have a lot of people willing to help out even those newbie questions.

The Bambu Labs Wiki is a great source of information to help answer many of your questions and I use it quite often myself. A good example: Prime tower | Bambu Lab Wiki


I can see I have a lot to learn I’ve been running these D6’s for so long I should have kept up with things better

Don’t blame yourself!
I am printing of about 20 years now and still find myself in trouble with new slicers and hardware at times.
What seems obvious from what you know already is often very different for a new gadget.

For beginners or those coming from a completely different environment some mouse hover help would be a great addition for studio.
Like a beginner modern so to say the user can turn off or on at any time.
Already there for many things in the settings but not so much for what’s happening on the plate and such.

If you are fully new to all of this it is always good to check some Youtube videos.
Even if not all of them might be for your machine they often provide good information for common task, settings and such.
You won’t remember all after night of binge watching but when you see while trying to slice or print you will remember :wink:
A wiping tower is no big, especially if you never had one and don’t really need one.
On the other hand a print coming out with really messy overhangs or such might make you remember that you saw how to fix this.
Suddenly it clicks and slowing down and cooling comes to mind…

Don’t hate yourself or get frustrated when things go wrong…
You know what the secret to finding the perfect path to get a perfect result is ?
To walk this path without a map, GPS or street signs :wink:
An inventor often does this by making hundreds of mistakes until one mistake brings success.
Walk the path long enough and you tried all the dead ends, the crossroads and intersections - you know where you are, where you have to go and how to get there…
Just like ridging a bike - once the training wheels are off you keep wondering why you had them to being with if riding a bike is so easy :wink:


You have your answer this is simply a little extra info.

  • You can move the purge block around to get it away from your actual designs if the positions conflict.
  • When at all possible, keep it as close to the wiper (where the poop leaves the printer).
  • Investigate flushing volumes, with colour prints comes poop, with poop comes control over how much, controlling this reduces the amount of waste to only that needed.
  • You can change the size of the purge block in the other tab of the main settings panel. The size you choose is determined by the colour complexity in the model.
  • Depending on how colour complex your model is, you may be able to turn off the purge block.

Which of these and how much of each you utilise depends on the model, the materials used, the colours used, the way the colours are used and more.

Research, trial and error and experience give you these answers. As others have essentially said, don’t expect to know everything day one, no one else did.

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@MalcTheOracle - I’m not immune from newbie-itis either. I’ve been putting purge towers close to the model to minimize time between getting the extruder pressurized and stable at the prime tower and printing again.

What is the advantage/reasoning to having it close to the nozzle wiper/pooper? Is it less excess ooze to drag into the model?

There are two reasons, neither one is a hard rule, just makes sense.

  1. Travel time between the triangle of wipe, tower and model. If you can reduce one of these, you save that time and when there are many colour changes, it can mount up.

  2. Risk of contamination. If the purge tower is next to the wipe area, it reduces the risk of any material still on the hot-end after cleaning unintentionally being dragged over the model, particularly problematic when the areas are a different colour.


Ah. I figured it could be dragging junk. For the timing I’ve been pretty close with where I like to put purge towers to some extent. But dragging junk is the one I was debating over placement. Thanks!

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Oh I have been printing for years. Hate to say how many. This multicolor printing is where I am a newbie my new printer should be here Monday. I am trying out this software so that when it gets here I do not screw my new printer up too bad. I am looking forward to the challenges that it might bring. I tried all the things like the Enders and settled out on the duplicator 6 series and stayed with them for a while. When saw this printer come up the first one the A1 I was skeptical then the 1P1 got me interested the 1PS and the 1X are really out there I settled on the 1PS. I spent days reading this forum before I signed into it and I am still reading this forum. You guys really have a great forum here I see a lot of help in this forum. It may take me years to read this entire forum but I am trying my best to understand everything. I hope someday I can help others as you guys are helping me.


I don’t expect to know everything in a day or a year or two years or 10 the fun part of this is learning. I’ve been printing for several years and just getting into the Bambu. I enjoy the information you’re giving and that everyone’s giving and as I said before I’ve been reading the forum and you guys have some great information here I ran across this block after I added some color while goofing off with Benchy that I must have at least ten of them things laying around here. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: I don’t know why I do it but I print those things off on all my new printers. I currently have 3 of the duplicator 6’s I to run one for PLA, one for ABS and one for PETG,CPE. These will no doubt become my work horses of go up for seal soon. as I get into the Bambu Lab’s in my retirement years Fishing, Mowing, Camping, and feeding Chickens is fun but don’t dude a thang fo da brain. nothing. LOL. So I print. and as I told my son. I print there for I am!

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How about this and this is just asking. can you move your model an the tower close together but close the wiper also. Now remember this is coming from someone who has not tried any of this.

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There are places on the build-plate each model of BL printer prefers to print on.

If you use shift+A, your model(s) will auto-arrange.

This sets the models to be best placed together and in the sweet spot for the printer’s ability to deliver the best and fastest print.

Most of the time it centres, on the A1 mini it actually shifts to the right of the centre.

I suspect this deviation is because the A1 mini is cantilevered and being closer to the vertical bar gives greater rigidity and less opportunity for reverberations.

Moving everything towards the wiper could improve one element, but, at the expense of the benefits BL has determined is the sweet spot.

Remember that fast movements without extruding (travelling) are far quicker than movements whilst extruding (actual printing).

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You sure can. I tend to favor locating models near the door and to the left since it keeps the Bowden tube straighter but the caveat is chamber temperatures are probably less stable. With PLA I run door closed unless chamber temp is creeping up. Those are just my preferences and superstitions.

It’s actually a prime tower, not a purge tower. Purging takes place down the purge chute at the back.
The prime tower brings everything back up to operating pressure before it resumes the print.
You can turn it off, but if you doing multicolour prints without a prime tower, your results can vary

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I think we beat this horse to death. Is there no way to close a thread.

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I don’t know If i remember correctly. But in some Video was said that it ist possible to let the printer do this cleaning operations in the infill of your model.