What is this button?

Brand new to printing and the X1 Carbon is my first printer. I’ve looked in the materials that came with the printer and looked online to try to answer my question, but to no avail. This may seem like a stupid question, but I’d rather ask than to just press a button.

On top of the uniit are two buttons, one is obviously a Power On/Off button. The one next to it has Red Arrows in a circle pattern. No clue as to what that button does. Don’t want to press it just in case it resets the unit to something I don’t want. Can someone clue me in to what that button does?



The red arrows one is power. The other will wake up the screen.

You can read it here:


If you search for the meaning of the symbol, it is supposed to mean Emergency Stop.
It does not actually work that way. If you press it during a print, it just causes a query to pop up on the screen asking if you are sure you want to do that. So hope you never have a true emergency.

If they wanted it to be an actual Pause button, it should stop the print immediately, and be represented by two vertical bars: :pause_button:︎. That symbol would be understood by anyone who has ever seen a phone, tape player or TV remote.


Don’t know how I missed that. Duh! Guess my 68 year old eyes just skipped over it.

It definitely used to behave like that. But on the latest firmware the physical button now immediately moves the toolhead into a “pause” position above the poop chute and then pops up a dialogue asking if the print should continue. Better behavior than before, but not to be treated like a “kill switch”. Have to flip the power supply switch in the rear to immediately halt all movement.

FWIW I appreciate the current implementation but agree the symbol on the button is confusing.


Thanks for the update, I would not have known of the change because I had decided it was useless.

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Best thing to do is print some plugs for those holes and remove the pushbuttons.