OK, so I’ve printed this part multiple times (many more than I would’ve liked), and it seems like there’s often a defect like these. The part is done in PLA with the Bambu Support PLA/PETG filament for interface. Sometimes the defect is on the bottom, sometimes it’s on top. (so, I’m guessing it’s not necessarily an adhesion problem, plus I’m an adherent (LOL) glue stick user.) Here’s the latest sample - this defect was on the bottom of the piece, using all defaults:
This was an earlier one on the top of the piece (and might’ve been caused by me reducing the infill density in hopes of speeding up the print, but it’s not alone):
The defect on the bottom of the part is clearly much more severe, and makes the part totally unusable.
My AMS says I’m at one out of five moisture and my hygrometer bottoms out at 20%, which is what it says. There’s enough fresh Dry & Dry in there for me to believe that all is well moisture-wise.
What might I be doing wrong?