What is your TPU setting on Bambu Lab Studio

I spent a lot of time today trying to dial in SainSmart TPU and I’m still not there…
I used this model which has 45° overhangs:

To get the overhangs to print reasonably well, I increased the minimum layer time to 16s, which helped a lot.
While testing different temperatures, I found that a higher temperature prevented stringing, so I ended up with 230°C.
I then reduced the maximum flow to 3mm³/s as I was getting extrusion problems at higher speeds.
Overhangs still looked bad, the last attempt was done at 2mm³/s which turned out great. Of course the printer looked like it was going in slow motion, but slowing it down helped a lot in the end.

5mm³/s is not possible with the SainSmart TPU. At least for me. :slight_smile: