What might have happened with this PAHT-CF print?

This was printed on my X1C:

Print Settings
  • Material: Bambu PAHT-CF
  • Plate: Engineering Plate
  • Glue: None
  • Nozzle: 0.4mm
  • Process: .20mm Strength
  • All settings default

Here it is on the plate. All parts seem reasonably well adhered - not permanently bonded, not floating by a thread. Readily removed with intent.

The part is just a disc with a lip on top. Bottom is a single planar face. All of them, however, have a small ring around the outside on the first 1-3 layers of the lip. The number isn’t variable, it’s just tough for me to see individual layers well enough to count. While the lip and the main body are concentric with each other, the ring is close but not quite.

The same part printed earlier today from PETG-CF (on the left) does not have this ring.

Any thoughts on what might have happened here? Is there anything I should be looking out for going forward? Any recommendations for changes to my process?

This was my first print using this material. Going forward, I’m hoping to be able to use it for tooling for basic metal forming and potentially vacuum forming as well.

Sorry corrected my post it isnt an overhang it looked like one… bit try it with different speed, an bit slower…
Paht cf tends an bit to shrinking. This could be an point too. The bottom area is much bigger than the lid, contains more material…

I’ve had this same issue recently with PLA-CF and ASA where I can see a bulge on the external wall that corresponds with the “floor” of some internal holes. I’m thinking it has something to do with the slower speed of that layer due to the “top” surface. Could also be because that layer has much more material than the layers below and above? I haven’t been able to do much testing but will keep watching here and report back if I come up with anything.

Question: Did you print the PETG-CF version with the same slicer settings and slicer version? This cropped up for me after recent upgrades in both firmware and slicer and affects at least two different filament types.

Do you see any changes on the slicer preview at that layer? Flow, speed, …?
I could imagine in that shape a layer time difference on the zone where it starts the hollow cylinder, and thus different cooling. But it should outcome in such an issue.

I also feel that the last firmware/software brings changes (not only in this filament). I am re-calibrating every filament but didn’t arrive at PA to comment.

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Yes, same firmware, slicer version, and presets (the “.20mm Strong” preset for each respective material).

Come to think of it, I also had a plain PETG one turn spaghetti on the first layer of the ring section and then recover and then come off of the bed in between these two prints, so maybe there’s something funky about how it’s getting sliced. Both PETG-CF and PAHT-CF were very well adhered to the bed, so I’m not sure that the PETG fail was simply bad adhesion.

Looks like some layer shifting. Did anything mess with the printer during the print?