What's your day job

I’m an electromechanical engineer for Audi Sport, I work in motorsports mostly endurance. im lead engineer for chassis and suspension development before and during the season

A@P mechanic and rocket scientist 39years. Flight test Rockwell International B-1B Rocketdyne SSME RS27 and MA5 turbo pumps. Flight Test MD-11 etc.

I worked as a field service engineer repairing and maintaining industrial laser systems for 25 years, then transitioned to repairing semiconductor manufacturing equipment for 6 years. I now work in a materials testing lab for the same semiconductor company for the past 12 years. Here we test all of the types of materials used in our manufacturing processes. Our work runs the full spectrum, from R&D of new materials, process or material issues, and material validation. All have been very interesting and rewarding for me. My only wish was to spend some time in aerospace but it never happened, oh well. Getting ready to retire soon but love technology, and so excited to continue in the 3D print hobby as well as using 3D printing in my hobby of amatuer rocketry.

Very cool! I always wanted to work in aerospace but it just didn’t happen that way. Enjoy your retirement, im right behind you on that!

I work at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I push patients to and from their rooms to tests, etc.

I’m a life long LEGO enthusiast.

I bought an Arduino kit in November, which took me to Paspberry Pi in December, and that took me to buying a X1C in February.

@eskienzle We probably work for the same semiconductor company. Im in oregon though.

Retired IT project manager 25+ years & network engineer 20+ years prior to that.
Based in Sydney Australia.

Business Development Manger for GDDR

Automation and controls Engineer for an Automotive supplier Company.

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Director of Technical Design (lighting, audio, video, etc for trade shows, corporate meetings, concerts, etc).IT department, also get to play with a 5’ x 10’ bed CNC Router.

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Bankruptcy lawyer for 25 years, but I love tech.

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Factory Automation / Machine vision Technical support.

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I’m unemployed due to medical reasons. Have been working as a combined Office Manager/IT man and some sort of customer support person/

Owned a 3D printer since last year, and love to work with those. Have three working printers and one that I maybe someday will throw out as it is giving me headaches getting to work. The other ones are not Bambu printers.

I try to save for things I need as the disability pay is not that great. (Anyone willing to sponsor, please do :wink: )