I’m sure this has been asked and answered here before, but I guess my searching skills are not great today.
When I’m iterating on a design, I would love to be able to skip all the pre-steps, as much as possible and get that 6-minute startup time to be less.
I’m guessing it’s in the machine start g-code. However, I would love some guidance on what to change to speed it up while not screwing up the homing or other items that would damage the plate or anything else.
Yes there are a number of steps one can do. There is a feature in the latest firmware that is allegedly supposed to minimize purge.
However, I found a YouTube video which minimizes the purge to 3mm and eliminates the bed leveling process which is something not really needed during rapid prototype turn around. I’ve been using this for about a year now when I do my prototypes. You’ll only want to use this on single filament and when you aren’t changing filaments
As you can see, it cuts the prep time down to 1 minute. I simply save it as a profile that I call upon when doing rapid prototyping.
You can also save time if you add GCode in the printer profile that does not turn off the heater in the build plate. Be cautious though because it means you’re leaving the heater on until you manually turn it off. I found that this is very useful when doing multiple back to back runs.
You would enter that in the end of the GCode. This is an example of the line for leaving the bed on at 60c. M190 S60