Who else has a looming fear of accidentally breaking the glass door?

There’s that video of the creality k1, or whatever it was, where the youtuber was trying to manhandle the printer and the door swung open and shattered. That imagery has haunted me. I’m careful around my Bambu printers because of it. It’s like the printer equivalent of getting a finger nail ripped off.

I had to chuckle a bit, in hindsight. Woke up from quite a nightmare, where the glass doors kept breaking. It was every one of them. As soon as I opened the door, looked at it, got within 10 feet of it, shattered! Ahh. It’s like those dreams where your teeth fall out, and you just can’t do anything. Don’t let me near a print farm with this mojo, else you might find yourself with a hefty glass repair bill.

Anyway, I hope ya’ll have a good day, and be safe around that door when it’s wide open.


I designed my own part to hold the door open that has a section that is easily visible from both sides as a warning that the door is open so I don’t accidentally hit it.

I haven’t dreamed about it like you have, but I definitely have a looming fear of breaking it. Where I have my desk and printers set up, the door swings towards me and I have a constant fear that I’m going to forget and swing my chair around back towards my desk, catching the door with the back of my chair and breaking it. I’d feel a whole lot better if the door could open 180 degrees or allow us to move the hinge to the right side so it opens from the opposite direction.

patch it up with duck tape, or wrap it up in transparent foam… or just keep it closed @ all times when not need it open… then you’ll no longer have such nightmares …:smile:

It was Uncle Jessy who did this.
When working on the printer I always (try to) close the door when there is no need to work inside the printer. But it could be one day it is my turn to break the glass door.

You try manoeuvring near the glass door when your legs do t work and you have to use crutches to get around and your balance is shot, so you fall over even when you are steady.

I fall at least once a day and I am in bed nearly 23 hours a day.

That door is not going to last with me near it.