It appears walls generate randomly within the infill and continue through the layers. Is there a setting to disable this?
What wall type generation are you using? Classic or Arachne? Try switching it to the other type and see if there is a difference.
I believe the white dots indicate the start and stop of the nozzle. Try opening the key and unticking each until the dots disappear.
The posted screenshots are classic, but even on arachne it does the same thing.
Can you explain more clearly what you are suggesting? The issue is walls are being generated where the different filaments contact, even though they should be infill layers. The top layers still include these concentric walls, even though it should be the surface pattern.
Sorry, now I’ve had a look on my PC I can see what you mean. To fix it, you could add a modifier box just under where you want the text to finish inside the model, with enough layers to make it solid.
Modifiers are a good idea, thanks. Absolutely tedious, but this might just work. I can use modifier geometry to force the inner layers to be infill, or force the surface layers to be the correct pattern. I will give it a shot and update the thread if successful.