Why can't I participate in a makerworld contest

There’s a new pill box contest. 3 weeks ago, I uploaded this pill box:

but I can’t figure out how to post it in the contest. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

because you only can participate with a new model which was uploaded when the contest was starting. older models are not allowed to take part as written in the rules:


→ 2. To participate in the contest, you must upload a new model on or after February 4th, 2024.

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From the Terms and Conditions of the contest:

    1. The contest will take place from February 4th, 2024 to February 25th, 2024.
    1. To participate in the contest, you must upload a new model on or after February 4th, 2024.
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Thanks guys. Next time read the rules. Got it.

Might be nice if they would include it in the list items without allowing it to be eligible for an award. That way, when people are looking for pill containers, they can peruse all of the pill containers and not just the ones in the competition.

That’s called search

I think he rather wants to get the attention due to the contest instead of just appearing in the search only :wink: I also think this would be a cool use-case. I also don’t care about winning. Sure it’s cool if you win something but primary is for me that my models get more attention.

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I think they should allow entries for uploads in the last few weeks too - as for likely regular holiday competitions or scheduled future ones their current approach probably does stop some uploads from happening when models are ready.