Bambu has A LOT of work to do on what I would consider BASIC FUNCTIONALITY. When using a non-Bambu filament, it seems that Studio can’t seem to remember my filament setting for AMS locations let alone get them in the logical order in the studio as they are in the AMS. This is a complete waste of time for a basic function. Especially after Buggering around FORCING me to sign into my account after I was already signed into AND requiring an E-mail authentication! I did NOT sign up for two factor Authentication. WTF is going on?
Do you mean more the fact that you have to keep going to the device tab, then going back to the Prepare tab, then pressing the sync button, get told it has already done a sync (clearly not, as it still shows wrong filament type/colours), press the sync button, and then sometimes it still isn’t showing the right filament types (i.e. one time I had orange Bambu PLA in A1 slot, but apparently it was noworange Generic PLA, yet when I select the dropdown it shows correctly there as Bambu PLA, and when I select that the overview is finally correct).
This one is a doozy… new project, just did a sync… and hm… 5 is PETG, really? I haven’t even printed PETG with this printer yet The dropdown menu is correct with respect to the device settings though. edit: just realised the screenshot clipped off showing that 4 is was synced to now be black Bambu PETG Basic (which it isn’t) … maybe Bambu will send me some?
What annoys me more is that you need to sync at all, if you only have one printer configured… auto sync option please, and do it properly. And don’t require me to switch to the device tab… have a dropdown on the prepare tab with device selection.
I’ve not had to re-authenticate (yet), but having to log in is an understandable requirement of being able to “cloud print” given the way it is implemented.
Yes, pretty much. This whole thing is retarded. Maybe the Project manager should be demoted. And the two factor thing is a just as much of a security risk as not having it so why bother. It’s just a waste of time.
Das man die Filamente synchronisieren muss liegt daran die Filament Profile in den Projekten (3mf-Dateien) gespeichert werden. Das beutet das wenn du ein Projekt lädst die Filament Profile geladen werden die da abgespeichert sind. Wenn du zum Beispiel was von Makerworld lädst da kann es schon sein das da ein Filamentprofil für PETG drinne ist obwohl du selbst nie welches verwendest hast.
Gruss der Garfield
The reason why you have to synchronise the filaments is that the filament profiles are saved in the projects (3mf files). This means that when you load a project, the filament profiles that are saved there are loaded. For example, if you load something from Makerworld, there may be a filament profile for PETG in there even though you have never used one yourself.
Greetings from Garfield
Translated with DeepL
Maybe I can help to clear some things up…
I work in LAN Only mode, use mainly custom filaments and my AMS knows what’s where.
When I open some other 3MF file all goes down the drain but a RE-Sync of the AMS gets my filaments back.
All comes to definitions…
If you have the filaments set correctly and they show correctly in the AMS then only a messed up configuration could be to blame if things won’t work.
If in doubt a CLEAN install should fix this up.
Then set up your filaments and load then through the devices tab…
Do the calibration and Bob’s your aunty…
Ok what you said makes sense, however that is exactly what I’m talking about. Can Bambu make an update that asks if we would like to print in our (local machine) available filiments? Instead of forcing the file to overwrite. Also, I’m not sure if your machine software does this or not so advise me if if does match filiment colours/types ie: slot 1, slot 2 ect to the same slot in the AMS acording to the Software number 1, 2, etc. I just don’t get why when the file is loaded that the software doesn’t ‘see’ the changes and ‘ask’ if I would like to modify them like it does for other settings.
I tried with the support early on to address this problem when opening downloaded or older 3MF files with different AMS assignments.
Let’s just say that Bambu clearly has no interest in fixing this by adding a check box or such any time soon…
Whenever possible I download the CAD files, which is no problem outside Makerworld and many models here still come with the STL or STEP files.
Back to the issues of mismatch between AMS and Studio…
If you set up your filaments the right way then Studio will be able to sync properly.
I do it like this >
Add custom filament with just the basics, no colour.
Calibrate the flow ration followed by the K-factor, which I save with the value in the name to have it easier later.
At this point the AMS KNOWS that there is THIS filament loaded and in the device tab where you do the K-factor you can set any colour you like.
As the filament is saved without the colour in the name you can just switch colours on the fly and it still works.
So why does it mess up for so many users?
The sync button should sync the AMS to matching filaments in the Studio settings.
E.g.: If the 3MF comes with red PLA, yellow PLA, green PLA and last Black PLA the SYNC should transfer this to the AMS in a matching way.
Like flipping the black on your number 1 slot to the number 1 slot in Studio.
Unfortunately Bambu did not really see this through and seems never completed it.
So the sync does whatever it wants just usually not what you want.
On the other hand the RE-SYNC forces the AMS assignments onto Studio, overwriting whatever is shown there in the prepare tab.
Means if you know your AMS is right you should use the Re-sync button if the normal sync fails.
Studio won’t over write AMS assingments from within the prepare tab.
Good on one side, confusing on the other.
You can pick what you like in the prepare tab and it will be used for the preview and even slicing.
But once you hit print you find unassigned filament slots and have to pick which AMS filament you want to use.
It all works just good enough, which is the Chinese way of doing things.
Sadly it is a bit off from the western expectation that features should work easy and as advertised LOL
One major thing that tossed me off many times was that Studio is not always great when it comes to accepting a new version.
Not sure if you noticed but there is not option for a custom installation.
By default the installer just deletes whatever is found in the folders based on filename and extension.
And suddenly all your custom works is lost despite all those vital files being right there and in the correct place.
Really nice that the installer spares your custom profiles and such, not useful at all if the new Studio fails to find and include them.
Tried to address this issue with the support but again no interest to fixing it.
Issue is that while your files are all there the new Studio often comes with different filament ID’s.
According to the support we are supposed to use the cloud.
Our profiles and such will then be restored right when we log in to the new Studio.
Beats the purpose of LAN only and avoiding account use…
Like it or not> If things just keep failing for no reason it is best to remove Studio fully, including a registry clean up using Wise Registry Cleaner or such.
Then install from scratch and use notes or screenshots to set up your custom profiles again.
Connection issues, filaments in the AMS changing for no reason, calibrations not working - that and more can go away with a clean install.
Maybe one day Bambu will be kind enough to allow a proper update of Studio.
Why not use the export option you wonder?
Well, you can try and restore your profiles from there.
Often this works just fine.
But if, for example, you came from a firmware before the new additions of K-factor management and such chances are you end with a mess.
If you do the export route do it with every release and don’t skip Studio versions.
so, and help me if i’m misunderstanding, if they asked if you’d like to use your “local machine” filaments, you’d have to click “yes” or whatever to approve it right?
So what’s the difference between clicking that and clicking sync?
One less click, as well as it being an automatic prompt? No need to click on the “Sync” button and then press Sync/Resync?
I personally think it could be semi-automatically smarter… if the filament settings haven’t been changed in the profile from the defaults, just automatically sync to the AMS settings… properly… and colour match if possible. If the filament settings are different, and you’ve ticked off the new “Auto sync AMS” setting (or whatever) in the preferences, it could prompt that there are custom settings and show that table of differences it does already, giving you the option to apply/discard/cancel (sync).
gotcha. just trying to understand.
Lol, right on AND with a sense of humour! Perfect info. I guess it is what it is FOR NOW.
You guys are right and see it as so many other users.
A filament management system paired with files that come with their own filaments needs a simple and easy method.
There is some madness behind the Bambu logic, no, wait, the other way around, never mind…
The idea, if I understand them correctly, is that that we have the choice of filaments and colours.
A lot of projects requires specific filaments and colours…
But how did it go in the past?
You load a 3MF and your filaments got replaced.
You waste time to sort them back and while doing so mess up the print setting that came with the file.
Brings the question why not stick to the good old STL files…
Then Bambu gave us custom filament profiles and a matching way to store our PA values.
Did not mean though the old ways changed…
The only thing that really annoys me about it is that if you are not careful you end up with a ton of unrequired profiles.
A click on yes and OOOPS there you have it…
The same simple yes or no should happen when loading 3MF files that don’t match what Studio or the AMS have.
You want those new filaments? No, ok use whatever you have…
You want those print setting? No, you think you do a better job? Fine then…
The choice between confusion and chaos isn’t really a great one but that’s how it still is for now.
Maybe the next update will clean up some of those messes.
Like having scarf settings in two places now…