Why does Bambu Studio struggle to fit items on one bed?

I always wonder why Bambu Studio doesn’t like to fit different models on the same bed when there’s clearly space to have them all printed together.

I know there are scenarios where fitting items of different shapes might require a lot of fiddling. But the example above is straightforward & there’s plenty of space to print the 3 models together. Yet BS decided to remove the gridfinity base off the plate when I hit “arrange” or “auto rotate”.

I ended up doing it manually, where one of the bins needed to be rotated 90 degrees.

I know what you mean but the likely answer to your question is; it’s not a priority for them.

If you look at Bambu’s development of Studio, there truly hasn’t been any major overhaul that wasn’t borrowed from Cura or in some cases even Orca which is truly a fork of Studio. Go figure. :roll_eyes:

Bambu is far too busy pushing promotion of their Makerworld site than to worry about improving Studio beyond bug fixes. This wouldn’t be considered a bug, just a quality of life annoyance.

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It just occured to me that I overlooked another solution to this. Although I rarely use this feature, the slicer does have the ability to override spacing. I found it to be a blunt instrument and didn’t solve all the auto arrange problems but it does help.


Hmm never seen that option. Seems like this would solve a lot of the spacing issues, since most of the problems derive from scenarios where the slicer seems to avoid rotating a model ! This option should be on by default. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

I’ve noticed sometimes I get a slicing or arranging error when trying to do a full plate with obvious enough room, the cause was a previous downloaded print switched on Brim(Auto) that I did not notice and hence tries to space objects accordingly with space for the large brim.