As luck would have it, I recognize that sensor. Here is a closeup from my sensirion dev kit. Sorry for the crappy pic I just took a picture of my microscope screen.
That’s perfect. Armed with that data, I searched and what do you know. Adafruit released a dev board on that last year.
Here’s where the series can be found.
Here’s the data sheet. What I like about it is that it has an I²C interface so it’s not got the same limitations as the Amphenol sensor used in all the other products.
If you are building something for yourself, consider the SHT45 instead of that one.
Yeah, thats the problem 10% is the low range on those cheap RH, and apparantly what they go to when they fail or cant sense humidity.
So like right now, both of them say 70.4F at 10% RH.
If i breath on them, they instantly jump up to 30-35% RH (and 70.6F).
So they are sensing something, but completely worthless
Exactly my same findings and thoughts , Spool rotation would be great but with the option to disable a spool or spools if printing directly from the S4. Call it S4 Plus or whatever.