Why I propose less and less creation on maker world

Ineligible Models

    1. Models that have already received rewards from the MakerWorld 3D Design Contest.
    1. Old models, i.e., models that were published before the Contest Period.
    1. Models uploaded as Remix and Share will be ineligible to be considered for winning

I spend time, I apply myself to make original models (as much as possible), reliable and easy to print. But they are not eligible for contests because posted before???
So why share my creations at the risk of not being able to participate in a contest, where I think I have a chance to win? (or at least gain visibility)

on printable.com they allow it at least…

That’s why I no longer share objects that have required a lot of design time on makerworld.

it would be time to review this, by limiting for example the participation in a contest per object, without taking into account the dates


Is there a question in your post that I might have missed?

If you’re asking why this rule exists, the answer is straightforward: it’s to encourage people to create new models.


the rules are pretty logic if you ask me :laughing:
Funny to see again somebody praising Printables … they excluded my model from a Christmas contest while there was a model of poop (yes … :poop:) that was considered eligible for Christmas.

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There is actually a lot of value in creating a portfolio of designs people like. You get rewards and maybe boosts if people are so inclined.

And if those designs are good, they can generate “income” 24/7 in all time zones of the world. It’s not that unlike interest accruing on a bank account.

By not posting designs until a contest you miss out on any benefits that might have come your way in the mean time in hopes a contest entry makes it big.

But I do also see the logic to an extent. Don’t know which approach is the more lucrative but if you have good designs you can find an audience without a contest entry.

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hi MZip

the goal is not necessarily a more lucrative research, but I believe that a competition model must be as accomplished as possible, a few weeks are not enough.
Creating a model, having the point of view of other users, finding ways to improve it, to have a much more robust object over time, this should be the norm. Not being able to propose this amount of work in a competition is in my eyes a fault.

Because I am sorry, there is a gap between an object that looks good and was designed in less than 4 weeks, and an object that has matured for months. Receiving the necessary material (the BOM), designing, testing and proposing an object within the deadline for announcing a contest is far too short.

In the end it comes down to one thing, quantity, or quality. For the moment maker world is in my point of view on quantity.

That is why I find that allowing original models created before the contest is not something to be ruled out. It is enough to limit the participation of a model in contests. Rather than allowing a user to make 5 participations in a single contest, why not allow to try 5 times a contest with a model?

Quality rather than quantity


I see your point but longer times might really drag out contests too. You method of holding back is certainly a workaround and we can all do as we wish so all good. Cheers!

MW needs to give participation awards so everyone will be happy.

Personally, given the amount of complaints they generate, I’d be ok if they stopped altogether.


because maybe you

  • like this hobby
  • want to share your models with others
  • love to see your creations in the wild
  • have fun modeling
  • want to learn
  • want to gather feedback and improve
  • want to build a portfolio

this isn’t printables though.


Generally I see competitions are there to inspire “creativity” and those who are skilled can dig deep and have a chance to win. It’d be dull old world if someone who IS talented and has a great catalogue could just keep winning by simply dumping the winning model on the page. It’s entirely possible to have the same model keep gaining prizes.

If you’re a talented designer, or even just inspired enough and think outside the box you could come up with the next big thing. It’s a win/win in my books. Most competitions are a challenge, you don’t see an Olympic competitor instantly win because they can swim fast once, they have to do it on the day.

YESSSSSSSS! (actually the more I think about it, maybe merit badges might be a thing, Printables has them)


But then we’d be missing out on all those “Why did that model win and mine didn’t?” posts after each and every contest.


Thats just in the forum…look at the percentage of contest models in the trending section, looks like contest page is the go-to spot for regular MW users. And you can tell they are expanding the topics covered so my guess is we will be expecting more contests in the near future

I get what you’re saying, have you tried pulling out your design and putting it back on?

Sanity check

This site is owned and operated by a business, a business that needs to remain profitable else we won’t get any new Bambu Lab printers. The contests drive more NEW content to the site. A useful makerworld site makes the bambu lab printers more attractive, which drives sales, which drives profit.

It’s not about reflecting on the good ole days and submitting your entire model portfolio from ten years ago. Contests are meant to be a challenge. A limited time period to exercise that big brain of yours. Work it to exhaustion! Also users are not meant to participate in EVERY contest. If you have the spare time and energy and a contest interests you, go for it.

Otherwise turn on some tunes, enjoy some snacks and keep on printing!

p.s. The world doesn’t owe you anything, and if you do not believe that then please go outside and touch some grass.


Without a doubt one of the best statements on this forum.


I need no encouragement to create new models. The question is where will I share them. The ONLY reason I post things here is because of the online parametric modeler making things easier for people who want to use them. There’s really no incentive otherwise that I care about.

If you really want to give people incentive to post their work here, offer them money.

FYI, you can also publish parametric models on Thingiverse and customize them online.

Okay, I believe you.

Don’t you think it’s a positive that Makerworld adds value to your workflow? The way you phrased it seems a bit critical of the platform—am I misinterpreting that?

Are you suggesting they should pay you per model on top of the rewards program and contest prize money? I’m all for earning more, but that seems like a pretty significant ask.

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Man, when did people get so greedy? Don’t you miss when this was a fun hobby, not some way to “earn” something?

I design stuff for myself. Sometimes the stuff I design seems like it could be useful or fun for someone else, too, so I post it because I want other people to be able to benefit from the work I was going to do already.

Why should you need to be rewarded for doing this stuff? If you want to make money doing this, go sell your stuff on etsy or a shopify store. Contests are for fun to push yourself to do better. There’s no call to feel entitled to enter. I don’t whine when someone sets up a 10k running race just because I’m not a runner. If you don’t find satisfaction or value in entering, then don’t enter? Problem solved!


I’m aware – but the Thingiverse Customizer sucks big-time. It’s not being maintained and supports far fewer features than MakerWorld’s version.

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Good to know, thanks for the precision :wink: