Why is my simple box shifting in layer?

Thank you for your time and explanation. I appreciate you looking into the .3mf file to help.
Before you replied i did try the following:

  1. Reduced printspeed of the outer wall to 60mm/s but has no effect
  2. Increased the wall thickness in my model from 1.5mm to 2mm. Reason i did that is because i thought with an 0.4 nozzle and 2 walls per side i need 4*0.4–> 1.6mm minimum. I does not have much effect in the end. Think because if the Arachne wall generator.
  3. I did already change print order from outer to inner. has some effect but not solve it all.

It seems with the changes above (exect print speed) i get decent result on the long side but not on the sort sides. See images below.

I will try the innerloop suggestion and see what happens.