Wie geht's?

Wie geht’s?

We now support the German language in our EU store! This is just the beginning as we are committed to better serving our global users.

At our core, we believe that everyone should have access to our products and services, regardless of their language or location and we want to make sure that we are meeting your needs in every way possible.

By launching more language support in the near future, we hope to connect with even more users around the world and make their experience with our products as seamless as possible.
Jetzt einkaufen: Kaufen Sie 3D-Drucker, Filme und Zubehör im Bambu Lab EU-Shop

Also as a side note, you may have noticed that Paypal is now usable as a payment method in the US Store.


Das ist gut!!! Danke!!

And now my handy app is showing also in German. I am not German I don’t speak German, how can I go change the setting back to normal.

Click the buttone labeled “Ich” on the bottom of the home screen.

Next select “Einstellungen” which are the settings.

Next select “Sprache” which is language.

Hope this helps a bit.

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Thanks for the support of german in the store and app. Unfortunately the automatic translation has some issues.

The biggest one is the translation of “store” in the BL iOS app. In this case it was translated to a very different meaning. In german it know means “save” instead of “store”.

I would recommend to leave the naming with “store” or change it to “shop”. This makes more sense and is more commonly used as using a german word like “Laden” oder “Geschäft” for an online store.

Thanks, i found it.
Now i can understand it again… :grinning:

I award you the Darwin award for changing my apps to a language to something I know less than hieroglyphs without any sane way to figure out how to change it back, brilliant move!

Apologies for being an a-hole but my patience is not on top this moment, complete engine breakdown the third time this year (highly recommend Peugeot if you prefer to walk) my dog dead!!! and thats just the start what this day brought and keep giving,
So it felt extra nice that my Bambu app forcibly change to an uncomprehensible language without any way to escape the abhorrid disaster of a choice…
Of course I put on a print before I left home and now I stand in a ditch 3hrs away and the app changes forcibly to German? when I try to see if the printer catched fire the way things are going today…

NOT happy sigh

YES just got stung by a bee!!!
Just keeps getting better…

Sounds like it’s time for a pint or two!


Nice, but there are still some missing translations or outright very strange translations left on the german shop.

Here are some suggestions for better translations.

Ersatz-Fadenschneider 3-tlg → Ersatzfilamentschneider 3-tlg
Steuerplatinenlüfters → Steuerplatinenlüfter
Ventilator der Kammertemperaturregelung → “Bauraumtemperaturreglungslüfter” or “Lüfter zur Bauraumtemperaturregelung”
AMS-Futtertrichter → AMS Zubringereinheit
High Resolution Screen → “Hochauflösendes Display” or “Hochauflösender Bildschirm”
AMS Internal Hub Unit → “AMS - Interner Hub” or “AMS - Interner Verteiler”
Bambu Reusable Spool - > Bambu wiederverwendbare Filamentrolle
Bambusschaber 3 Stk → Bambu Schaber


I think I need a couple of kegs…

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Everywhere ASA (filament) is mentioned in tables it got translated to german “ALS EIN” (“… as a …”) and PET to “Haustier” (pet animal). So if you want to glue your cat to the heat bed you should use Bambu Labs glue stick :wink:

So, ASA and PET stay the same in German…

Not possible Need to learn German now :grinning: :grinning:


In addition to what @Thrawn write

Subject Versandbedingungen

*Die Zahlungswährung unseres EU-Webshops ist Europäischer Dollar (EUR).
(We call it Euro - nobody would have voted for “Dollar”,… please… :grinning:)

Subject Versandbeschränkungen

Two sentences. First one fine, these countries you can send to. Second sentence incomplete

Wir können Bestellungen nach Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, Österreich, Belgien, Italien, Spanien, Portugal, Schweiz, Dänemark, Finnland, Schweden, Norwegen, Irland, Polen versenden. Tschechische Republik, Luxemburg, Kroatien, Estland, Ungarn, Lettland, Litauen, Slowakei, Slowenien, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Rumänien, Zypern, Malta.

Meine Bestellverfolgung wurde seit vielen Tagen nicht aktualisiert?

The link to customer support ends up nowhere…

Die Verzögerung mit Ihrem Paket tut uns sehr leid! Auch wenn die Sendungsverfolgung dies nicht anzeigt, können wir Ihnen versichern, dass sich Ihr Paket noch auf dem Weg zu Ihnen befindet. Wenn die Sendungsverfolgung länger als drei Tage lang nicht aktualisiert wurde, wenden Sie sich für weitere Hilfe bitte direkt an unseren Kundensupport Team oder Versanddienstleister .

Hallo! Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich ein neues Thema eröffne? Konto ist freigeschaltet, aber ich kann nur antworten, nicht erstellen…

In die entsprechende Hauptgruppe gehen und dann erscheint dort “neues Thema”.

Danke! Ich mußte nur etwas warten und lesen, dann bekam ich das Recht Themen zu erstellen.

Super! Sie mögen in Zukunft besser werden!