I’m coming from a Dremel 3d45 where I had three feed tube plus the factory internal spool ready to go at all times. I’m waiting for my P1S, and today worked on a 3-way splitter design that would allow me three filaments ready to go. My spool mountings would be sideways on the wall that would feed into the splitter. This is far from a final design, but I would like feedback on if it will work well, and if not, what would need to change. Splitter pic attatched.
Yes that would work, you can also buy a 4 way splitter from BL that will work as well. I bought one of BL’s 4 way splitters for the A1 Mini and there are some models for brackets on Makerworld to mount it as well. The splitter from BL is 5.99 I believe, money well spent if you’re already placing an order with them.
Thanks, I wish I had seen this when I ordered my machine.