Wire lose. Is the A1 safe to use?

Hey all I appreciated you help in advance. I’ve been having issues with my printer as far as getting the nozzle to seat and clip into place so I got looking at it. I resolved the problem and then I started to reassemble and saw there’s just loose wire. I’m not sure what the wire does and I’m not sure if my A1 is safe to use. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance?

yikes thats a mess i doubt it will work properly the wire looks broken, not loose… all the scorch marks and melted plastic has me concerned… something is getting way to hot

It appears you may need a new hotend heating assembley ,

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It’s been smelling like something has been almost burning for sure.

The brown hue to the surrounding area tells me that is causing some melting/burning. New assembly probably needed. You might get away with replacing individual parts but I would replace whole assembly because of the browned areas.

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I really wouldnt use that until you get it repaired/ replaced- it looks quite unsafe.

I just experienced the same issue with my A1 when I was changing the nozzle out. I didn’t notice the wire right away. But when I tried to to start a new print I got the message that the temperature malfunctioned and after following the wiki I was able to find that the thermistor wire was broken and the Heating assembly was scorched and some filament was clogged
the wires. I have 3 replacement parts ordered and hopefully on the way soon.