X-Y Contour Compensation for interpenetrating objects

I made up a simple model with two interpenetrating objects, an icosahedron and a dodecahedron. I needed to use the Mesh Boolean option to resolve the overlapping volume, and the result displays nicely in the preview:

However, when the slicer runs, the green caps no longer meet up correctly, and are off by a long way:

After much struggling, I found that setting the Precision “X-Y contour compensation” to a small value (0.17) fixes this, but I remain bemused, since the parameter is Global, applying to the whole model and is not object-specific.

Results in:

Setting the parameter to an even larger value (2mm) results in the green triangles getting over close:

I wonder if somebody could explain to me why I was having the problem in the first place, and secondly why setting the global X-Y Contour Compensation parameter fixed the issue? Why is this not an object-level parameter?

It appears that I cannot upload the 3mf file. Sigh!

Many thanks in advance,


I recently saw a video on an explanation of how Arachne wall generator works to cure issues like the one you’re describing. You may want to give it a try.

Here’s where to find it. Let us know if it works.

Here’s the video where the creator shows a series of test and how Arachne affects the outcome.

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Based on looking at the Wiki here https://wiki.bambulab.com/en/software/bambu-studio/xy-hole-contour-compensation. It looks like setting contour compensation to 0.17 will make any parts of the tips of the triangles that are up to 0.06mm wide up to 0.4mm (by adding 0.17 to each side) and therefore a whole nozzle width wide.

Personally I think I would just do this in the model instead - i.e. Flatten off the tips of the triangles where they join so that they don’t go down to below 0.4mm.

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I’d give @Olias approach a shot. And maybe, just for the heck of it, do a slice with a 0.2mm nozzle.

I am not a fan of the contour corrections (yet) as they are subject to so many physical variables which, imo, are not yet fully coverable. A slicer would need much more detailed information on shrink during cooling for example to make this work predictably.

Thank you all for your replies. I think I tried the Arachne wall generator as part of my futzing around, but I will try again more systematically. Clearly the use of contour corrections is dubious, especially since it appeared to have its effect not just in a horizontal plane, but in all axes.

I wish there was some way to upload the actual model (the 3mf file) so that you could play with the parameter yourselves and see the effect. How is this managed on the forums?

Best wishes, Bob

The forum software specifically prohibits this kind of file sharing, and if you think about it, if this ability existed, it would compete with Bambu’s sacred cow Makerworld. The only way others have shared 3MF files is through public file-sharing sites like Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, etc. and then dropping the link here in their post.

If you have a Gmail account, you have Google Drive, and that’s probably the easiest. If you have an Outlook.com or Hotmail account, then you also have a OneDrive account. I use both, but Google Drive is probably a little more user-friendly.

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