X1-carbon error code:1000c003 094902

hello I am a new bambu user from taiwan
today I want to print some things but appear this error code.
and I skip this, try to print again, and this time is another error code:

the failed model is be like:

have anyone know this problem?
thanks a lot!

Any chance that you’re printing with the “PLA Support” material spool that was shipped with the printer?


No, just only polylite PLA white until now

When the printer encounter an issues during initializing, calibration or printing, it can pop up an HMS code for further diagnosis.

HMS code page

Looks like your code #

yes it looks like this code but the calibration board is good and the lens and camera also no problem… so I just confuse to is this really firmware bug or how can I fix it?

Sorry I can not read the language on the code sheet to know all it’s talking about.

Have you try to clean the Micro Lidar lens and see what happens ?

Bambu Micro Lidar

What firmware version are you running ?

I would also start a support ticket. It will take some time to get help if you need a part.

in the first picture, that chinese means unknow error

I try to clean the micro lens but nothing happened.
firmware version of X1C is ver.)
AMS is

Ok you are a few versions back on firmware but the new firmware might have bugs and you might not be able to roll back just a heads up.

X1/X1-Carbon and AMS Firmware Release History

What I would try next is reset the printer and do a new setup calibration and see what happens next.

thank you! i will try this!