X1-Carbon - Why is that outer do that do that?

slow down. 25 characters and then some

Outer wall? and top surface?

I’m not sure why you’re so fast. Not a big model so why go so fast? You’re not cutting down on time that much to begin with. Speed hurts quality on smaller models, hell on bigger ones if you go nuts.

Set those all to default speeds and print it.

Okay hold on. Okay hold on.

can you link that file?
25 char

I found it. I have thoughts but am printing it myself.
Others may have more insight.

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What’s that? I want to know lol

Insight? Someone may have more knowledge or know exactly what the issue is, that is smarter than I am. I don’t know everything, I only have experience to draw on.

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So I just printed on an A1 mini, creators profile with no issue.

What did you change?

3mf ? X1C AMS firmware up to date. Speed changed ?

The 3mf you downloaded from Makerworld.
I simply downloaded it, sliced as is, and printed on my daughters A1 Mini. Admittedly I did it in one color.

If you printed it as it was meant to be printed then I’d look at the silk filament. That tends to be a pain for some. Personally never use it so I can’t offer advice there.

Judging by the settings from earlier I believe you made some changes that have had a negative impact on the print. Start over by loading the file, selecting colors and sending it to print. Maybe change to the correct printer and nozzle, nothing else.

Thank you. I’ll try again.

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No =((

I was wondering if calibrates works ? I haven’t tested it.

you haven’t calibrated your printer?

Just an initial that’s it and I did it through the printer.

Well it would be a good place to start. Especially if you’ve upgraded firmware or any part of the printer. So yes, calibrate the printer.

(I hope you’re not messing with me here…)