X1C/AMS Automatic filament spool switch "error" won't go away

my X1C / AMS successfully auto-switched when the spool ran out to the slot with the same filament. This was several prints ago and the error is still showing and I can’t seem to make it go away. I pressed ‘clear’ and ‘ignore’.

This doesn’t actually seem like an error since this is what the printer/ams is supposed to do, but shouldn’t the message go away once the switch is made? Or at least when the print is over? Or a new print starts?

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a Bambu bug?

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Same here. The only way to get rid of the message is to turn the printer off and on again.

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Same, firmware bug. I have to turn it off and back on. Of course my ams no longer switches filament, it stops when it gets stuck on the tape and I have to physically snip the filament from the roll. Happened twice in the last two days.

Basically, the ams is just another dry box