X1C chamber fan speed

How can I change the chamber fan speed?
If I use textured PEI plate and PLA, the chamber fan always use 100%, it is too noisy.

In the filament settings advanced tab start g-code
M106 P3 S150 - where Sxxx - xxx is from 0 to 255 , 255 is 100% 0 - is 0%
Depending on the Material and bed temperature this may vary , but for PLA usually around 150 is good .(lowering it too low for PLA may be not a good idea, unless you keep the door open) The original code is based on active filtration and bed temperature if statements, you can modify there instead

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In Orca, it is in the cooling tab of the filament settings. On/Off, percentage during print and percentage after print.

My Start Gcode:

{if activate_air_filtration[current_extruder] && support_air_filtration}
*M106 P3 S{during_print_exhaust_fan_speed_num[current_extruder]} *