X1C destroyed a plate with the nozzle (not cleaning-related)

Subj. Please see the images attached.
Flow calibration was enabled.
Plate was well-aligned; the print started correctly (no damage at the location of the initial line start); when removing the plate, it was in place.
Unfortunately I was not recording timelapse for this one, because it was a reprint.
Stopped itself after detected first layer failure.
Plate is not usable anymore.
UPDATE: there are signs of the damage in the middle of the plate as well (see the last image, diagonal lines)

Any assumptions of what happened?

Screenshot from 2024-03-31 18-02-43

Be sure to check the nozzle straightness. I would be surprised if it survived.


The time my printer did this it was operator error, I’d left the screws out of the hot end assembly after changing nozzle size.
In your case, I’d wonder about whether the nozzle has come out of the heat sink. This is a known thing although I’ve not seen mention of it lately. Another thing to think about is if the nozzle is bent or if it didn’t get cleaned properly during the warm up cycle. Melted filament may build up on the nozzle and drag on the build plate or throw off the bed leveling routine. Finally, if there was something between the plate and bed, it could also throw off the bed leveling routine.