It looks like the printer does an extra loop on every layer so my 0.72mm layer (0.6mm noz) ends up about 1.44mm wide, and kind of deformed. I tried resetting to factory settings, but no luck.
I’ve tried printing the model from Bambu Studio and Orcaslicer using pretty normal settings, so it seems to be the machine itself. Hoping someone else has an idea how to fix. Thanks!
Inductor6mH-I proj.3mf (46.9 KB)
Your photo looks like one bead thats way over extruded so it’s a weird one, try enabling “Spiral vase” under “Others” - “Special modes” and keep all you other settings the same. I don’t have a 0.6mm installed so I can’t test it myself.
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It does print okay in spiral mode. Does that help diagnose the problem? I can upload a file set to 0.4mm if that would help.
I changed it to a 0.4mm nozzle, then using classic it sliced weirdly, some layers of the tube were 2 walls and others 1 fat one. I think you need to set the wall line width slightly bigger than the width you want the part to be. I made it 0.73mm and got the results below. Some spots on the tube measured 0.69, but I think it may be a result of the 0.95% flow ratio that ABS is set to.
Oh I used OrcaSlicer as I don’t has BambuStudio installed anymore
This wasn’t printed in vase mode.
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Thanks for checking this! This seems to confirm there is something wrong with my printer. I wonder if there’s anything else I can try besides resetting to factory settings. It looks like my firmware is up to date:
Bummer, I’m on the 1.08.02 also, here’s the file I printed from. Hope it helps.
Inductor6mH-I proj Duane.3mf (61.6 KB)
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it’s your slicer settings.
I opened a support ticket with Bambu Lab. They had me do a flow calibration and cold pull. That didn’t help, and now they haven’t responded for several days.
After more trial and error I discovered it is a bug in Bambu Studio and Orcaslicer. Surprising I haven’t encountered it before. Enabling “detect thin wall” solves it in this case.