Well I printed a lot of parts in PLA and PETG, no problem, but I have now a first problem on PETG from bambu store (with which I printed other parts without problem)
Here was 0.28mm, I tried 0.20 and 0.16, same thing.
Did you update firmware recently - i had problems and factory reset and machine calibration solved the issue with PETG( discussed in different thread already)
Had a new batch Filament the same filament the same company and the calibration values were slightly different - eASA and on top of the that the above issue . So needed a new calibration(flow/K) values
New filament - very often is really WET try do dry it ( moisture) always a problem unless you print really slow then less of a problem ( Dry first 12h++ at 50-60C)and then try to slow the print to well under 100mm/S probably 60-70 )
I do not use Autocalibration as inconsistent and get bad results especially with some colors. Check other threads for that
A few times in the past had issues where i tune everything at around 19-23C ambient and i left the printer at 10C-15C ambient to print and had bad results may be even down to 7C - bad idea
and worst what happened to me is to through away rolls of PLA and PETG filament but that was cheap bad stuff so do not think is relevant here . But the new supplier i am using warmed me that if i have unsolvable issue they are happy to help or exchange it, And very rarely might have a bad batch, not so far
The Bambu Basic PETG profile has very low cooling setting, with the cooling fan varying between 10% and 40%. See Screenshot here:
Generic PETG has 40% to 90%, and this fits PETG much better.
Besides of this, I would not really recommend going wit PETG from BL, since other brands (extrudr, Hatchbox, eSun etc.) generally work much better. You can learn a lot about the Bambu Basic Petg if you search this board for topics including “basic petg”.
thanks for your answer
you would advice to use another brand for PETG ?
as I already bought 4 BL filament, can I use them with standard PETG profile without problem ?
@dureiken Bambu PETG is as good as many others,(ok may be not as good) , the post which @skyme pointed you is for issues related to environment mainly drying and cooling settings. and is important to read.
from your post You were able to print nicely with PETG at first - with Bambu or other Manufacture?
If you changed the filament brand unfortunately a lot all of things may change.
Also some brands sell the filament really wet others not so much - which is one of the key for good print
Again see list of my last suggestions from before i had a lot of issues after firmware upgrade, including PETG
As @skyme suggested check the coolings , the default PETG cooling profile from Bambu is just wrong from my testing. I think they tried to push the PETG speed and compensated with reduced Part fan speed , which is doable but then needs a lot chamber fan and AUX fan enabled . I ended up increasing from 40% to 60%( at first was 90%) and reducing the print speed for PETG , better and more consistent results
Here are my settings with eSun PETG, but i used different Flow and K the for Bambu rPETG rest was the same don’t use any more Bambu PETG as more expensive here and the results were not better but comparable
Filament notes from the advanced section :
;Aux fun at 30% and chamber at 60% gave good result , New setup aux 10% and Chamber fan 78%
; Chamber fan - with same plates i still need 78% the automatic one based on plate temperature is not as good . So fixed
M106 P3 S200