X1C prints behind heatbed/build plate

Hi everyone!

I have a little problem with my X1C. Just before it starts the actual print job (at the end of the self calibration sequence), the printer extrudes 1-2 lines on the back side of the build plate. In my case it prints these line(s) behind the build plate and heatbed into the air.

Now I don’t know if this is due to a misaligned hotend ot a misaligned heatbed. But I guess it shouldn’t be the heatbed because if I would move the heatbed further back, then it will collide with the excess chute (about 1-2 mm space between heatbed and chute).

Any ideas how to solve that?

EDIT: Pictures tell more than words

Thats a weird one
Have you tried turning the switch off in the back for a minute then turning it back on ?
Or home the printer before starting the print job
The only time i had a similar issue was when i stopped a print, cleaned the build plate then started the print again without homing it first

Oh sorry I totally forgot what I tried so far (was a long day at work…)!

  • Homing
  • Device self test
  • Calibration (bed + lidar + resonance frequency)
  • Power off for hours (main power switch)

when homing, does the printhead really bump in the front right corner or does it stop some mm before the front? Are you using the stock BambuStudio or did you do any changes? For me it seems like the printer doesn’t home your y-axis correctly.

I think I found the cause under the silicone sock. The nozzle was bent.

Must have slipped through QC considering the amount of force I had to apply to straighten it.

Right now it’s homing/self testing/calibrating and then I’ll report the result.

EDIT Ok, Problem solved :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wowser !!!
That’ll definitely do it
Any idea of when and how that went down ?

No idea. I got the printer 3 days ago and it printed behind the bed from the beginning. Quality of my prints was good though.
I guess it’s from the factory because a force/impact that could bend the nozzle during shipping would have destroyed other parts, too. And the cardbox was fine.

That is weird
Good thing it came with a spare !!!

Wow, i hope you get a new spare.

during shipping everything is fastened, so it shouldn’t be able to get damaged during shipping.

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Don’t need a new spare, still have it. :grin:

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Mine prints on the ragged edge of the rear of the build plate, not completely off but just the thinnest little bit off the edge. I’ll have to take a peek at mine to see if it’s bent unless it’s normal to be that close.

I had the same thing happen after only 10ish prints. Did they send you a new one or just chalk it up to wear and tear? Seems like not many prints per nozzle if that’s the case.

Same issue happening here. Seems mostly harmless, but would like to fix it. Nozzle is not bent.

Anyone else having this issue and found a fix?

Mine is still printing right on the edge, you sometimes can catch it with a fingernail. It’s never had a negative effect on anything and to be honest, I’d completely forgotten about it till you asked. It might be editable in gcode or you might be able to cheat the heat bed to the rear but I’d only worry about it if it’s leaving filament droppings in the bottom of the printer. If you do cheat the heat bed to the rear, you run the chance of it binding on the rear wall of the chamber. There is an entry in the wiki to bring it forward if it’s rubbing on the rear.

Thanks for posting this. I had the same issue, but my nozzle was only slight bent, so I wouldn’t even notice it.

I had the exact same problem, it was bent in the exact same orientation as the picture above and it was printing off of the back off the plate, going over the plate alignment backstop on the right. Luckily the nozzle isn’t hot enough to melt that so its ok still.

I think what happened is nozzle can get caught the slit in the back of the plate when its doing the cleaning and the motors are powerful enough to yank it out of there and the thing that gives is the nozzle throat. It wasn’t easy to bend it back, pliers with some cloth or rubber wrapped around them works better and will help not damage the heater. You don’t want to get metal on metal against the ceramic heater, it will damage it for sure. You can also just bend it against a table edge but it takes a fair amount of effort/strength to get it bent back into place.

Anyway, if you’re printing off the back off the plate for the pre-print “noozle” line, its definitely a bent hot end and you can tell if you look at it from the side.