That being said, looking at it again, I kind of like it. If you can figure out how to make it stop, post the solution so I can see if there’s a way to make it happen. Might wanna give it a shot as an alternative to the randomized surface the slicer produces.
It’s the repeatability that gets me. There are no discontinuities or major changes in alignment of the lines. Kind of looks like a section of a giant fingerprint.
I printed a Benchy earlier with the same settings and the original Nozzle from Bambu Lab.
Unfortunately no change, it occurs at < 0.2 mm and gets worse up to 0.08 mm.
Now really ALL original Bambu Lab still the same error!
I’ve seen this with silk from a 0.2mm at 0.06 layer hight. I’m wondering if maybe the layer hight is to low for the material to flow properly? Maybe do some custom flow rate cha gets or something to that effect.
Hopefully some with more knowledge will know a solution. What is the nozzel size? Could it be that the nozzel it to big for the desired layer hight?
Again, limited experience on my part, just that I’ve seen that pattern once when I went to low on the layer hight for the material.
Hello, i have the same problem but using PLA. I tested the same Object with the Babmbuu PLA and there it was smooth. May you can give me a hint as well.
The Bambulab ABS has 22 mm/s because it was actually designed for fast prints. If I reduce that to 12 mm/s like “standard” ABS, that unfortunately doesn’t help either.
I think it’s happening because the nozzle flow isn’t “laminar”, plastic near the edges is moving slower than plastic at the center, which induces some turbulence in the flow, and that causes these ripples when the outer wall is printed. If I’m right, slowing down would reduce or eliminate the problem.
A nozzle swap might, too. Nozzles are pretty “tight” mechanical tolerance components, and there is always some variation in the manufacturing process. So not all nozzles of the same exact type will behave exactly the same, if you measure with enough precision they’re all going to be a little different.
Printing slower did not help either. Everywhere 100mm/s less and I can still see no difference.
Nozzle I have as I said already exchanged!
Whether the original Nozzle or the third-party Hotend with Bondtech CHT, both have exactly the same problem.
hi, I had the sam issue whit some (not all) filament, so I put the print under the microscope and I saw that the extrusion line was inconsistent, like if the printer try to maintain the line width set but can’t because too much material came out, so I’ve tried to modify the flow, the temperature, the speed, the pressure advance, the retraction but nothing changed, until I realised that if I had decreased the layer line maybe I could solved increasing a bit the line width to maintain the material extruded pretty much the same that was extruded at 0.12 layer height, so I changed the line outer wall line width from 0.42 to 0.52 (I tried al the number between that because I didn’t want to loose detail, but under 0.52 the problem remained) and I solved that issue, and without any appreciable lost of detail. After that, and after see the video of the great Stefan of CNC KITCHEN I increased (0.6) also other line width to have more string print. I hope I have been useful to you
I have now tried many things and can say that the surface improves with wider lines. With the rather little affected Bambu PLA I get a pretty good surface even at 0.08mm.
For the Bambu ABS I do not find a sweet spot, from a width of a little less than 0.6 other artifacts arise probably the opposite problem. This means that I can’t increase the value too much, I can only reduce my actual problem.
That means for me that 0.08mm with Bambu ABS simply does not work. Up to 0.12mm and your trick just works with a few errors.
Thanks for the tip it helps if unfortunately not 100%.