Does anyone know why the door status is not shown in their applications?
I did not even know there was a switch until I integrated the X1C into my Home Assistant, which I actually thought would be useless until I detected the door switch entity!
Since it is useful under some circumstances, is there a reason to omit this feature?
I don’t remember the exact details but I’m pretty sure I saw that the switch was intended to make the printer pause printing if the door was opened. As far as I know, it was never implemented and in fact Bambu recommend leaving the door open when printing PLA.
If true, I’m very glad that was never implemented.
It’s pretty common for me to open the door mid-print to remove a stray bit of filament, or one of several objects that have come loose from the plate. Winter in a cold shop, the door is initially closed to warm the chamber but must be opened to prevent heat creep on long prints.
I have seen some warnings about possible excessive heat when starting PLA prints with the door closed, so the sensor does serve a purpose.
I agree when it comes to auto-stop the printer, but I would like to see the door status anyways, for example to avoid heat creep or - even worse - clogging because I forgot to let the door open…
I think the door switch pause thing was only mentioned in early kick starter info, I don’t remember if it was text or captions in a video. As far as I know, it never made it to production machines and am not sure if it was active on kick starter machines. Mine is from January 2023, the switch was not implemented and does not pause my machine.