X1C WiFi Disabled (button greyed out)

I’ve already opened a support ticket about this issue but wanted to post here as well in case anyone else has had this issue.
When I go to the Network tab on the printer’s display screen, the switch to toggle the WiFi on is greyed out. I replaced the WiFi antenna, which resulted in the WiFi working and connecting to my network and I could log in to the printer and see it from my computer and the app. However, it only worked for about 10 min and then went back to being switched off and greyed out. It does the same thing if a factory reset is performed. Works for about 10 min, then it’s greyed out. Nothing seems to change it except for doing a factory reset.

Same error here. Only reset works

Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe den selben Fehler.
Ich habe alles auf Werkseinstellung gesetzt aber leider kein erfolf Fehler immer noch vorhanden
habe auch ein Suport Tiket geöfnet aber leider noch keine Antwort
@Brise hast du schon etwas zur behebung des Fehlers gehört
Gruß Thomas

@thomas1 No unfortunately. They asked me to send the printer log which I did and they haven’t replied yet. I should follow up as that was almost two weeks ago. Let me know if you get any good info.

I’ve followed up with Bambu and they are sending me a replacement AP board. I assume that’s what you’ll need too so it’s probably worth it to open a support ticket.

@Brise Danke für die Info Support Tiket habe ich eröffnet. Wenn ich eine Info habe melde ich mich,