X1c won’t print nylon


You should use Generic PA-CF as a starting point. Glass and Carbon Fiber react mostly the same. Nylon is Polyamide - PA .

Be aware different brands can have radically different properties, all the plastics we print with are blends and the blends are proprietary. So the perfect settings for one will often fail for another. You must Calibrate (usually only once) for each filament if you want good prints.

As mentioned above, all nylons are very hydroscopic (water loving) and some are so bad they can start misprinting in two hours if not in a dry box like the AMS.

A real problem on a 4 hour print, eh? :wink:

Here’s a good read for some basics on printing with nylon:

I have a few Q’s for you -

  1. Do you have an X1C with AMS or a P1P?
  2. Are you using Bambu Studio or OrcaSlicer?

And a couple tips -
You might read this PSA (rather long winded, but it’s my style …) I wrote on the subject - PSA **Up your Game** Studio, SoftFever OrcaSlicer, & Arachne

Also - Since you’re new to the forum - You should always post Q’s like this as a new separate post for a couple reasons - it keeps from bringing up a months old post (often marked as ‘solved’) and it will get hundreds of eyeballs on it rather than just a few.

Many ‘regulars’ on the board will only look at new issues since they’ve already seen / replied to the old ones. :wink: :grin:
