X1CC missing layers and bad bonding

Hello there,
so i have problem with printing my part, always in certain position there seems to be missing some layers and in other certain layers, they are not bonding very well… do you know where problem could be? X1CC, PETG and BVOH combination… i atteched pics… thanks for any suggestions…

Hey. In my experience BVOH is not a suitable supports material in combination with PETG. I have checked a number of sources, but for example BASF only states compatibility with materials such as PLA (or PLA PRO1), ABS (or ABS Fusion+), PA, and PAHT CF15.

Hey t.!
Thanks for posting your issue along with your settings.

I’m curious…

  1. Why the need for supports? Why not print with the opposite side down?

  2. Why the setting changes from default?

  3. Will it print successfully with PLA?

Could you show us other sides of your print via a 3D rendering so we can better understand what the final print should look like as well as the defects you are showing us?



Did you ever find a fix for this? I’m currently having the same issue