the only text i have on my frostbite or glaciers is on the non printable part of the plate, where you grip it to lift it off… as seen in image below
Back left side on mine says " CryoGrip Pro Glacier" and I had the “rip” on one side and “aci” on the other side transfer to prints.
must be old or a knockoff i havent seen those
Bambu has their logo on middle of their gold plates but it must be a different process they use as it doesnt transfer to my prints
I’m not sure if it’s etched or painted on their plates, but either way it seems to be added before the texture gets sprayed on. Even if it was paint, it would take a lot of wear for the logo to start transferring.
Ciao, io ho lo stesso problema… Mai più acquistare questo tipo
We get it, and sorry for your bad experience. However, if you post here do try to use English instead of Italian, as some might not understand it. Or, if your English ain’t that good, either use an online translation or go to the international section of the forum, where you’ll find plenty of conationals to exchange in Italian.
what did this clown say to me? says hidden by community
It was very likely something not very “politically correct” and someone felt offended by it, and reported the post.
Do not give BTT and BiQu another penny. Seriously. Sub par stuff meant to cash in. You’ll find better build plates on Temu.
[quote=“johnfcooley, post:31, topic:124817”]
Do not give BTT and BiQu another penny … Sub par stuff meant to cash in. You’ll find [/quote]
Their panda touch, control boards, and screens are OK. I have used those. Maybe I was lucky.