Z axis weird noises after some prints

Hi, i received yesterday the printer and i started to make prints.

In total about 7-8 hours of prints and z axis started this weird sound (i make a private video in my little youtube channel the sound is clear):

Z axis weird sound video

It’s a electronic noise maybe?

sounds to me like an overworked motor, you can see if there is anything causing one of the motors to be overworked or stressed.

Or it could be a fault in the firmware. But I don’t know much about it. Because I have a motor failure because of the Z axis.

Ok. I had found out my issue. One of the wire had been stripped.

IDK, I’m waiting for the support team to answer.

Bambu support say me its a motor sound, they say isn’t a problem for print but if i want they send a new motor for change it.

I prefer to change the motor i don’t want a motor with 10 hours working and start to make weird things (i don’t know if in 10 or 1000 hours more the motor die or start to fail more intense).

I go to post here how it ends and the quality experience with the support team.