Z-Height Random Error - PTEG

I have printed this several times with no issues. Increased infill recently and printed 5 more with no issue. Now this, random error part way up the Z axis. Any ideas why and what I can do to fix it?

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Hello Mike,

Look like a layer shift happen.

Have you check your X&Y belts they will loosen up from new and have you clean your carbon rods ?

Belt tensioning procedure & Carbon Rods

Only printing one part at a time ?

What infill type ?

Speed settings ?

Acceleration settings ?

Was the part bonded well to the bed plate ?

Keep us updated :v:

Good Morning 3DTech,

Thanks for replying. I will check the belts and clean the rods too. Was only printing one at a time. Used gyroid infill at 45%. Used strong 0.2mm profile. Used default speeds and acceleration. The part was well bonded to the plate. After the error, the rest of the part completed and looks like it was in the right place - no shift in any direction. I’ll update after the cleaning and tension check. Thanks.

You can also turn on in the print option screen - auto recovery from step loss

You can also back the speed down to help prevent layer shift on this part.

Thanks for the help. I completed the XY belt tensioning. Cleaned the carbon rods. Also, cleaned and regreased the z-rods. Changed the print to avoid crossing infill. That did the trick. Cheers!

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Sorry to necro an old thread but your original issue looks identical to mine. I tried both of the solutions above but to no avail.

So far I’ve:

  1. replaced hot end
  2. lubricated screws
  3. cleaned carbon rod
  4. tightened belts as per the instructional vid on Bambu’s website.
    This printer has been great for about 2 years straight printing and I’ve probably printed this same model about 15 times with no issue but all of a sudden it has started doing this layer shift. Everything above the shift is perfect, everything below the shift up until the shift is perfect too. The shift happens roughly in the same area though, give or take 50 layers.